World’s No 1 Romance Tour

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  • Camacho Holgersen posted an update 2 seconds ago

    After exposure, the musculoosseous unit was easily repositioned, thus allowing for C1-C2 laminoplasty. Grossly, no damage to the vertebral artery or regional nerves was noted.

    We present a novel, unilateral minimally invasive approach to reach the atlantoaxial and craniovertebral junction. This could allow for faster postoperative…Read more

  • Stampe Gormsen posted an update 11 seconds ago

    BACKGROUND Fabry disease (FD) is a rare genetic lysosomal disease with an estimated prevalence of 1100000. Mutations on the GLA gene lead to alpha-galactosidase deficiency and multiorgan involvement due to sphingolipid accumulation. Our aim was to present and analyze the demographic and clinical characteristics of the Fabry patients in Romania. ND6…Read more

  • Cherry Gleason posted an update 21 seconds ago

    Nhựa được đun nóng chảy lên, tiếp đó dùng technology đùn, phối hợp tạo ra xốp và lượng rộng lớn khí Freon nhằm tạo nên thành những ô kín xếp ông xã lên nhau. Nhờ đó, sản phẩm có đặc tính Chịu uốn và chịu đựng nén chất lượng, hoàn toàn có thể dùng đến các mái tôn, mái ngói kháng nóng hiệu trái. Nó cũng đều có công dụng phòng ngấm, giúp tăng tuổi t…Read more

  • After exposure, the musculoosseous unit was easily repositioned, thus allowing for C1-C2 laminoplasty. Grossly, no damage to the vertebral artery or regional nerves was noted.

    We present a novel, unilateral minimally invasive approach to reach the atlantoaxial and craniovertebral junction. This could allow for faster postoperative…Read more

  • Stampe Gormsen posted an update 50 seconds ago

    BACKGROUND Fabry disease (FD) is a rare genetic lysosomal disease with an estimated prevalence of 1100000. Mutations on the GLA gene lead to alpha-galactosidase deficiency and multiorgan involvement due to sphingolipid accumulation. Our aim was to present and analyze the demographic and clinical characteristics of the Fabry patients in Romania. ND6…Read more

  • Vester Joseph posted an update 1 minute ago

    The etiology of multiple myeloma (MM) is not known. Enzymes such as xanthine oxidase (XO) and NADPH oxidase 1 (NOX1) as relevant sources of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production may play a crucial role in the incidence and progress of MM. Uric acid generated by XO has a controversial dual role in both the prevention and promotion of cancer. We…Read more

  • Mcmillan Wolf posted an update 1 minute ago

    There is still a lack of tools to assess the prognosis of ischemic stroke patients induced by hypertension. In this study, we built a novel prognostic assessment model for ischemic stroke in the Chinese hypertensive population.

    Mass spectrometry technique was used to analyze the changes in serum protein profiles of hypertensive patients…Read more

  • Camacho Holgersen posted an update 1 minute ago

    After exposure, the musculoosseous unit was easily repositioned, thus allowing for C1-C2 laminoplasty. Grossly, no damage to the vertebral artery or regional nerves was noted.

    We present a novel, unilateral minimally invasive approach to reach the atlantoaxial and craniovertebral junction. This could allow for faster postoperative…Read more

  • Stampe Gormsen posted an update 1 minute ago

    BACKGROUND Fabry disease (FD) is a rare genetic lysosomal disease with an estimated prevalence of 1100000. Mutations on the GLA gene lead to alpha-galactosidase deficiency and multiorgan involvement due to sphingolipid accumulation. Our aim was to present and analyze the demographic and clinical characteristics of the Fabry patients in Romania. ND6…Read more








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